Source code for florin.tiling

"""Utilities for tiling images and volumes.

    Subdivide an array into equally-sized tiles.
    Join a sequence of tiles into a single array.

import h5py
import numpy as np

from florin.closure import florinate
from florin.context import FlorinContext

[docs]class DimensionMismatchError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class InvalidTileShapeError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class InvalidTileStepError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class ShapeStepMismatchError(ValueError): pass
[docs]def tile_generator(img, shape=None, stride=None, offset=None, tile_store=None): """Tile data into n-dimensional subdivisions. Parameters ---------- img : array_like The data to subdivide. shape : tuple of int The shape of the subdivisions. stride : tuple of int The stride between subdivisions. Yields ------ tile : florin.FlorinVolume A subdivision of ``img``. Subdivisions are yielded in sequence from the start of ``img``. metadata : dictionary Key/value store of metadata, e.g. for joining tiles. Notes ----- Everything up to the for loop will be run exactly once when the first tile is requested. """ # Normalize the shape and stride tuples to match the dimensionality of img. if shape is None: shape = img.shape elif len(shape) < len(img.shape): shape = shape + img.shape[:len(shape) + 1] if stride is None: stride = tuple([i for i in shape]) elif len(stride) < len(img.shape): stride = stride + img.shape[:len(stride) + 1] if offset is None: offset = tuple([0 for _ in range(len(img.shape))]) # Try to throw some useful errors if there are problems. if len(shape) != len(stride) or len(shape) > len(img.shape) or len(stride) > len(img.shape): print(shape, stride, img.ndim) raise DimensionMismatchError() if not all(list(map(lambda x: x > 0, shape))): raise InvalidTileShapeError() if not all(list(map(lambda x: x > 0, stride))): raise InvalidTileStepError() if not all(list(map(lambda x, y: x >= y, shape, stride))): raise ShapeStepMismatchError() shape = np.asarray(shape) stride = np.asarray(stride) offset = np.asarray(offset) # Get the number of volumes img_shape = np.asarray(img.shape) blocked_shape = ((img_shape - offset) / stride).astype(np.int32) n_blocks = int( start_block = np.ravel_multi_index( tuple([np.array([i]) for i in offset]), img.shape)[0] # Iterate over the blocks and return them on request for i in range(start_block, n_blocks): idx = np.asarray(np.unravel_index(i, blocked_shape)) start = idx * stride end = start + shape over = np.where(end > np.asarray(img.shape)) end[over] = np.asarray(img.shape)[over] # print(end) slices = [slice(start[j], end[j]) for j in range(len(shape))] block = img[tuple(slices)] # if block.size > 0: yield block, \ FlorinContext(original_shape=img.shape, origin=tuple(start))
[docs]def join_tiles(tiles): """Join a set of tiles into a single array. Parameters ---------- tiles : collection of FlorinArray The collection of tiles to join. shape : tuple of int The shape of the joined array. Returns ------- joined : array_like The array created by joining the tiles and inserting them into the correct positions. """ out = None for tile, metadata in tiles: if out is None: out = np.zeros(metadata['original_shape'], dtype=tile.dtype) start = np.asarray(metadata['origin']) end = start + np.asarray(tile.shape) slices = [slice(start[i], end[i]) for i in range(tile.ndim)] out[tuple(slices)] += tile return out.astype(tile.dtype)
tile = florinate(tile_generator) join = florinate(join_tiles)